Nutrition lies: Grain Brain - Stop Carbs and Sugar

When it comes to nutrition lies...

First of all, I would like to point out that I do not have any certificate as psychologist or nutricionist. What I can assure is that I am a person with some mental problems and who has experienced significant changes when modifying my diet.

I read basically the book Grain Brain, by David Perlmutter and decided to give it a try. Lots of arguments for avoiding and removing carbs, gluten and refined sugar from your diet are detailed in the book. It may sound crazy to avoid all these things without having diabetes or coeliac condition, but, well, once you start noticing the changes, both physically and mentally, you start telling yourself that maybe it is not that crazy if you lose 8.5 kilos in 5 weeks and the "rate" of obsessions is substantially reduced. I would not like to spoil the plot of the book, let's say that is is really worth reading, almost a must. The second part, Brain Maker, to be honest, was not my cup of tea. 

So, what does that have to do with nutrition lies? I consider that we are not eating healthy wheat. And when I say healthy, I mean without an excessive genetic manipulation. Think about that. The wheat you eat is not the same one (by far) as the one your grandparents ate. Today's wheat is genetically modified in order to have an overproduction of the grain harvest in the shortest possible time. In the same way, the author is also against non-gluten genetically modified food. For example, beer, for the most part, is made from malted barley (and barley is one of the manifestations of gluten). Then, how is it possible to create a beer without adding barley, but with a similar taste? The same with cookies, pasta, bread, etc.

I know it looks quite radical, but I think that, as well as you have images on cigarette packets, there should be something in Coca Cola cans. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily consumption of sugar less than 25 grammes. What if I tell you that only a can contains 40? I was the first one who drank cola like water some time before, but when you see the doors of obesity so close and receive news from some recently detected diabetic friends, the thing changes.

In closing, if you feel tired easily, if you have mental cloudiness, anxiety, depression, migraines, ADHD... I encourage you to change your diet and to do a little bit more of sport (if you do not do it yet haha). Just try it for a month. You will not eat like you did before for sure.

How much do you have to lose and how much to win?

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